DIY Japanese Joinery

Online Video Courses

Welcome To The World Of Analogue Skills In The Digital Age!

Have you always wanted to learn Japanese woodworking techniques? Always wanted to know how to use those exotic Japanese carpentry tools, but did not know where to begin?

This DIY Japanese Joinery Online Video Course is a complete video tutorial, created to teach beginners the basics of this ancient Japanese craft. Video lectures of the highest quality will give you everything you need to get started: detailed step-by-step instructions, invaluable tips, and quick reference tools to help you achieve success.

At the beginning, the course will focus on the finer details of Japanese woodworking, and help you get a feel for the art through practice drills and easy projects. As you learn, new and more difficult skills will be introduced gradually. Along the way, you will gain the confidence required to master the essential skills to develop your own style.

What Our Happy Students Are Saying


I bought into Hisao’s DIY Japanese Joinery online course after seeing his YouTube videos and then seeing his Kickstarter campaign… it is the best thing I have done for grounding my skills in the techniques of woodworking with Japanese tools and techniques.Hisao remove all mystique from the “mysterious” world of Japanese tools by beginning at the very beginning and stepping you through the beautifully “simple” tools design, setting up, maintenance and use. Hisao uses very clear instructions throughout the videos, and it is such a brilliant reference to be able to come back to from time to time to check on things one may have missed, or to deepen pone’s understanding of the world of Japanese woodworking… from tools and techniques to joints and approaches to working with timber.All round, Hisao’s DIY Japanese Joinery is excellent value for money


This course offers a detailed look into the world of woodworking in a very practical way. I loved watching a master execute complex tasks from beginning to end while providing useful tips on how to position your body and how to handle the tools. I found myself re-watching the same videos over and over again while in the shop practicing the techniques. I got to know the tools on a much more personal level and how versatile they are. I recommend this course to anyone who is interested in diving deeper into the art of woodworking.

©2024 DIY Japanese Joinery

All pricing is in U.S. dollars.